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"Why is he crying?"

I have decided that the most frequently asked question to a parent of a baby is "Why is he crying?"

I have also decided that this is not only a silly question but an unhelpful one to any new parent.

Do I speak baby fluently? Did I get a degree is infant psychology? Have I been doing this for more than 2 months?

As you can guess, the answer to all of the above questions is an emphatic no. So when I am asked this question, I can only reply with a quizzical look, and say, “I have no idea!”

The reason I have decided that this is not only silly but unhelpful, is that as a new parent, I am just trying to figure this out like the rest of the world. I do not know why my child is crying, but I am learning how to discern this each time he cries, and am sure that it has something to do with food, but never the less...

So why unhelpful, you may ask? Well, it is simple... For some reason, people think that you SHOULD know why your child is crying at any time. When you don’t, and I often do not, it tempts you (well, it can tempt me), the exhausted new parent who is living in a crash course called parenthood, to think that somehow you are not doing something right....

This is not true for most people, I know…. and the person asking the question is usually just as curious and concerned as you. I only wish I knew why my son is crying.

For now, I think he is usually just hungry…. again!!! Posted by Picasa


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