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.Results and Re-Admission.

I am so happy to share that the results from the bone marrow biopsy came back with the results we had hoped and prayed for! They said they found less than 0.1% Leukemic cells in his bone marrow!!! So this is such great news! The prognosis is a good one, and now we get to keep marching on into the next 3 years of making sure the Leukemia does not come back and he is fully in remission!

Thank you all so much for all the prayers said on our behalf! I also have the happy report of how last night and this morning went as well... So last night, we woke Jack up at 11:30 to feed him one last time before midnight. He was so sweet and groggy but ate a bunch of nuggets and french fries. We gave him a bottle and put him in bed at midnight and hoped for the best... well, he did not wake up again until 4:45... which was AMAZING for us and him! That was a long stretch for the little guy!

After that he cried for a while and Jordan tried distracting him with books and holding him for a while. Jordan wanted me to sleep as long as I could, and served heroically by making sure the monitor was off in our room and he was in the boys room with the door closed! By 5:30 am, I wanted to help, so we got him out of the room and put on a movie for him, where Jordan was able to be on the couch kind of sleeping with Jack, and I got to get back in bed until 6:15. He asked occasionally for food, but no more tears came after that.

And then, when we hit the road at 6:45, Jack sat quietly in his car seat watching Finding Nemo the WHOLE RIDE DOWN TO DC!!!! He smiled at me when I looked back, asked for a bottle a few times, but no major tears. Once we got to the hospital at 8:25, he was getting a bit grumpy and easily angered, so the blood work and the Dr.'s looking at him was not easy. When he finally get into the procedure room at 10:20, he was ready to be done with all the hosptial stuff eat some food.

The results of his blood work were concerning, as his white counts went from 8,000 last week to 50,000 this week. They were concerned that the Leukemia had relapsed or the other option was that he was fighting an infection. We were hoping it was the latter, and found out much later that indeed it was an infection he had. He has been admitted back into the hospital where he will stay for 48 hours and get antibiotics to fight whatever is going on in his body.

So this kinda made me chuckle--- As the day progressed, Jack seemed to be getting pretty uncomfortable, and he had not had a bowel movement all day, which was very unlike him- since he eats so much he is usually having them many many times a day. By the time we got into our room after 2:45, and hooked up to the machines, his heart rate was up in the high 170's and 180's... too high for him; and his breathing was pretty shallow and quick. So the nurse was thinking it was due to his tummy being so compacted and him being so uncomfortable. When you touched his tummy it really hurt him. So, they were all ready to give him some meds to help things move along, but I knew that if he just walked around a little he would eventually get things moving (as with most little kids, they like to go somewhere private to do their business). So around 6:00 I had him stand next to the bed and look at a book (he had been sitting all day and had barely walked at all), and 10 minutes later he had done his business and his heart rate dropped to 155!!! That made me and the nurse laugh! I am glad no more meds were needed!

So now, I am home with Dylan and going to bed, and Jordan is at the hospital with Jack and being taken care of by one of our favorite nurses we had last time we were there. So hopefully, we all will get some much needed rest tonight! Pictures coming one day!!!

Thanks again friends for all the prayers. We are so grateful for this happy news, and even though we have a 48 hour stay this weekend, we are grateful it was caught before he spiked a fever, that it is easily treatable, and we were already downtown! So many ways the Lord helped us through the day! We are so amazed at how He is in every detail and every cell function in Jacks body and our lives. Thanks for sharing this burden with us. We are so grateful.


Unknown said…
Such wonderful news!!! The Lord truly answers prayer! Too funny about the bowel movement and the heart rate dropping after!!! Have a very restful weekend. Love you.
Cat Watson said…
I'm so happy to hear the good news of less than 0.1% leukemic cells! You, your little boy, and your family have often been in my thoughts and prayers...just know that through this blog, and everything you write, you are encouraging and inspiring. I can't imagine how I would react in such a situation, I can only hope it is with as much grace and peace as you. Thank you for the updates and everything you are writing. I hope and pray that Jack's infection goes away and that the little guy is as comfortable as possible throughout all of his procedures and chemo treatments and meds. Hope you all get some rest, too!
Lisa Melrose said…
Tali, So good to hear this news! Thanks for updating us. Will keep the prayers coming...
eva said…
awesome to hear! Thought about you all many times today and will continue to pray!
Dee7 said…
Glad to hear the great news!!! Praise the Lord! Will keep up the prayers. :)
B. Emerson said…
SO grateful for the good news! Praying for you often!
B. Emerson said…
SO grateful for the good news! Praying for you often!
Jacques said…
My heart is with you guys!
Nelson Family said…
Such great news Tali. It is so faith building for all who read your blog to see God's faithfulness again and again in caring for Jack and sustaining you and Jordan with His strength. We will continue to be praying for you all.
Sandy said…
What a faithful and loving God we serve! How specifically He has answered each prayer, even those asking for poopies! :-) We will continue to pray for you all.
Love you!
liqidimond said…
So encouraged to hear this news!!
christy said…
Wow--specific prayers specifically answered! Praise God!
Unknown said…
fatherto6cs said…
Hi Jordan & Tali,

I am new here to your blog, but heard from Jordan's dad about Jack. I have been praying for him, but seeing his picture on your blog burdens me all the more to pray for you and your family. I am glad to hear you finding strength and grace for the journey and I pray that Jack will come through this fine and will grow to be a devoted follower of Christ!
Missy said…
Thanks for the update.
WE are praying here in PA!
Carolyn Honea said…
Wonderful news!!! I've been thinking about you all. Will keep the prayers up as I know this journey is far from over (but of course praising God for the victories already)
Colbert Family said…
Praise God that he is in remission! I know the end of the steroids for our Abbey was the hardest, but as soon as they started coming out of her body we started seeing our Abbey come back :)! The very worst part of her treatment for us all was induction and you guys are past that! You guys are doing amazing and I love hearing the many ways that God is carrying you and been so intimately involved in your situation. Continuing to pray and think of you guys often!
Jordan Family said…
So blessed to hear the good news! Praying for God's continued grace and strength for your family. Love and hugs- aj

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