No, the move didn't kill me... I am still here, alive and well! Actually, living a pretty blessed life. The move however, has changed how I am living life these days, and have little to no time to sit at the computer and blog! But here I am, sitting down... ignoring the laundry for a few minutes, the dishes in the sink, and the crumbs on the floor... I think an update is way over due! To recap the past month, well would be a very long post. I am not sure the poor readers of this neglected blog would enjoy all of that! So I will do my best to be brief: - We moved to VA October 9, and were thrilled to be here. We had tons of help, and are pretty much settled already into the house. Boxes are the enemy! So our goal in the first few weeks was to empty as many as possible! We generally, sit in the various rooms and marvel at the gift this home has already and continues to be to us. - The first night the kids came home, Sunday, Jack spiked a fever and Jordan spent 6 hours with him in the...