This update is kind of backwards, moving from latest to oldest... sorry BUT: Here is the latest from life in the basement: Well, I guess since this IS baby #3, I shouldn't be too surprised to see a little bump sooner than later. Although, I KNOW that it isn't baby we are seeing, but more a relocation of my chubby tummy. My little 1-inch long baby is pushing what was once nicely flat to the subtly pooched out position. So when someone told me I was "showing" I am happy to say, that yes, I guess I am! It doesn't help matters, that I have such a short torso, that there really is no where for any changes to go, but out!!! Still pretty sick in the evenings, but hoping that all clears up in a few weeks. My boys seem to becoming more and more playmates, than just in each other's way. I think sharing a room has been good for them, and I look forward to seeing the fruit of it a year from now. mmmm, sweeet boy... looking at his momma.... love him. The day after we move...