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and finally... Our Florida Adventures

So, finally I get this post up! As it turns out, Tyler did not have allergies last week, but a nasty cold which he gave to me! Between caring for my poor boy and getting better myself, I have not had much time to sit at the computer and load all the pictures from our trip to Florida!

In the midst of all the sickness, we have also begun to get our house ready for baby Jack... we have three bedrooms, one of which we have been using for an office. It has also become a storage unit for stuff.... so we have been going through our real storage in the basement and attic, to make room for the stuff in the office. We have also been re-organizing the rest of the house, throwing out stuff we just don't need or use... trying to streamline things! We have 3 months till he should arrive, but have a lot to get done over the course of those 3 months (paint the room, train Tyler to sleep in a big boy bed, move everything around in the house, to name a few) Good times!

So now, onto Florida! This picture below is NOT from our trip, but the day before we left. Tyler and I were on our way to pick up something from a friend, and he fell asleep with a chicken nugget in his mouth... It eventually fell out, but was so cute...

So the whole reason we went to Florida, was for the Glorify Conference, hosted by the Orlando Church. Bob was teaching, Jordan, Kerrin, and Devon were teaching seminars, Julie mixed, and most of the girls sang at various points. The church graciously, and lavishly decided to invite us all down, and send us to Disney World for a day! So Thursday night we headed for the airport... BUT we were delayed... 6 hours!!! Our 7:20 flight didn't take off until after 1 am.

So to add to the long delay, and the sea of people waiting around in the airport, we had some explosions in our bags, so that at 3 am when we got them in Florida, they were dripping!!! I won't go into details, but it was messy and wet and got most of Tyler's clothes and things pretty covered! So while Jordan cleaned up that mess, I got the rental car. By the time we were in our rooms at the hotel, it was 5 am. Poor guys, had to teach a seminar at the church at 8:45 am!!!! Ahh, traveling... I am so grateful for the experiences we had on our way to and from Italy. I see now how God was using those trials to prepare my heart for these. There was much grace!

So the conference was great, for what I was able to attend. It was just nice to be with Jordan and Tyler, and see the Lord use him in the lives of others many miles away from our home! I got to drive all around the city and be with Tyler most of the time. It is kinda of fun to be on these little adventures with him! Kristine and I had fun hanging around too, and I am grateful for the time I was given with her.

One day, I took Tyler to lunch at this funny little hot dog shop... we had a mommy/boy date... and I took some of my new favorite pictures of him.

So this is his newest face... he makes it when he says "hold you" and "no"... I love to kiss that little mouth!

My new favorite!

Second runner up!

After visiting with old family friends of the Kauflins, the Phillips, and hanging with people from the church, we headed to Downtown Disney, Sunday night. On our way there, we got stuck in a typical Florida rain storm... but as we were driving, we saw one of the craziest car accidents I have ever seen happen in front of me. A guy did a 180 after fishtailing for a few seconds and eventually crashed into the railing! It was a miracle no one else hit him! That mad our day a little more exciting!

Once we go to Downtown Disney, we made our way in and our first stop was the Lego creations outside... the dragon in the water is made entirely of Legos...

So are the people and dogs here. Tyler was very excited to see the dogs!

We went into this massive store filled to the brim with people and many more stuffed animals...

After dinner, we took Tyler into one more store, and let him pick out a stuffed character to take home...

He went straight for Mickey Mouse...

When Jordan asked him if he wanted to take Micky home with us, he lit up and got all kinds of excited... see below! I was actually able to catch the moment!

So , Tyler has never "talked " to one of his animals before, or pretended with them.... so when he tried giving his bottle to Mickey and talking to him, it was pretty much a shocker to us and the cutest thing ever!

Our little family, Mommy, baby Jack, Mickey, Tyler , and my love, Jordan.

The next morning we checked out of the hotel pretty early. We had to meet the people giving us the passes at 8:45, so we planned to leave the hotel at 7:45. Jordan and I packed the night before, so when we woke up at 7:23, as our alarm did not go off, we didn't freak out too much! Although, sadly, some things were left at the hotel, that I am still trying to get back!

So off we went to Animal Kingdom to get our tickets. Unfortunately there was a slight problem with some of the tickets, so we ended up waiting for a good while. The kids were fun to watch run around . They were all so excited. These photos were outside and inside Rainforest Cafe.

Tyler kept squealing, "FIIIISSSHHHHEEEEEE"

The whole crowd before we got all sweaty and sticky from the heat!

Finally on our way....

Waiting in line for the Pooh ride... Tyler loves his Pop pop!

On the Pooh ride... Jordan always made it fun for the boy...

Waiting in line for Dumbo...

On the Dumbo Ride...
Cinderella's Castle... We didn't go in it, but you can't have gone to Disney World without taking at least one picture of the castle!

We were trying to get to the entrance of the park, so we could head over to MGM, but got stopped by a parade. Tyler might have liked this, but he was fast asleep in the stroller.

We felt so sorry for all the characters, as it was close to 100 degrees with such high humidity! We were sweating just watching them dance around! We left Magic Kingdom and headed over to MGM for some of the other shows...

This shot is for Hemi..!! :) When we entered MGM, this was the first thing that greeted us... a float/parade to the center, where they did a little performance.

So after we saw the Muppets 3D, we headed over to see a stunt show spectacular. And sweat so much! It was pretty hot out!

Tyler was pretty into it!

So then we hung around some more, said our goodbyes, and headed to the airport. We droped off the cars, checked in, and waited a little bit, as our flight was delayed AGAIN, but this time only an hour or so. Then we were off!!! We got home at 2 am, and my dear husband was off again to work first thing in the morning... he is my hero.

Glad to be back, glad to be feeling better, and glad to have air conditioning!!!


Jeanie said…
Fun to catch up on your life through your blog. You all have been up to A LOT lately!! By the way, as a Mom who loves to take picts of her kid, those pictures of Tyler on your date were adorable!!
Laura said…
Oh so cute! I love the pictures of his little puckered lips...He's growing so much!
Mike and Sarah said…
My friend, you have a very rich life! God is very generous, isn't he?

Sarah T

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