Friday we woke up with the expectation to be staying at Children's Hospital for a couple more days, with Jack's counts crawling there way up to two hundred. I was packing my bag to spend the night at the hospital, only to get a text from Jordan that his ANC went from 90 the previous day to 230! We were likely going to be coming home that afternoon! AMAZING. Simply put, God is amazing. I could not get to the hospital fast enough. Such happy news. And truly shocking. We had taken him off of the morphine the previous day, and he did really well with that. The doctors finally figured out what virus he had, Roseola . He had pretty much a textbook case. Fever for 5 days, then he broke out into a head to toe rash. We thought the rash might have been a reaction to the blood transfusion he got, but it stayed until a day ago, and a reaction to blood would have looked a lot different. So, we came home Friday afternoon. My mom, who had been watching Tyler and Dylan kept them one extra day...