Funny and gross moment of the day...
Tyler has been a little constipated the past few days, and I have been trying to figure out what I ate that might have triggered this (as he is a very "regular" baby). He was starting to get a little fussy, so I knew I needed to help if I could!
Upon the advice of several moms, the remedy to help baby get things moving is to put the rectal thermometer in the little guys hiney. What they didn't tell me is how quickly, or effectively this method would work. As yucky as this sounds, I knew it was time to try something.
Well, being a new mom, I didn't know what to expect, let alone if I was even doing this horrible duty correctly. It didn't take long for me to realize, in fact, yes, I was doing a highly effective job at helping my son to poop.
As you can imagine, I squealed as a stream of poop covered not only the changing table, but the wall and the carpet. I didn't expect that one! Poor baby is just looking at me with a look that says, "See what you did?!?!"
Ah, being a mommy can sure be messy sometimes! I was prepared to handle the little boy pee squirts, but this is a whole different world!
Tyler has been a little constipated the past few days, and I have been trying to figure out what I ate that might have triggered this (as he is a very "regular" baby). He was starting to get a little fussy, so I knew I needed to help if I could!
Upon the advice of several moms, the remedy to help baby get things moving is to put the rectal thermometer in the little guys hiney. What they didn't tell me is how quickly, or effectively this method would work. As yucky as this sounds, I knew it was time to try something.
Well, being a new mom, I didn't know what to expect, let alone if I was even doing this horrible duty correctly. It didn't take long for me to realize, in fact, yes, I was doing a highly effective job at helping my son to poop.
As you can imagine, I squealed as a stream of poop covered not only the changing table, but the wall and the carpet. I didn't expect that one! Poor baby is just looking at me with a look that says, "See what you did?!?!"
Ah, being a mommy can sure be messy sometimes! I was prepared to handle the little boy pee squirts, but this is a whole different world!