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Home Sweet Home

After spending nearly a week in NC, I was glad to be home! My comfy bed, my hubby... You know, all the things that make home such a sweet place to be! When I got home, Wednesday afternoon, I took a look outside, just happen to glance out the back window to see the most lovely welcome home "bouquet" ever... my garden had blossomed! My rose bush was just exploding with blossoms and my peony bush was falling over due to the weight of all the flowers. I had fun arranging the peony's (photo above) as ants and spiders kept jumping out of them on me!
My time in Carolina was fun, tiring and a lot of work! My poor sister, had a house full of screaming children- and unfortunately, my kids were doing a good bit of it! It was not the quiet place it should have been for a new mommy, so we knew it was high time for us to hit the road! I was happy to serve my sister and her husband while we were there... it was the first time in a long time I felt I was able to do so! I had kitchen duty, was the lactation consultant, and buddy to the new mommy. It was certainly busy, as I cooked for all of us (5 adults and 3 children) while we were there. I don't think I would have been any help to anyone, if I had not had the help of my parents too. My dad was such a servant. He took care of both boys on numerous occasions, just so I could be with Lotte or get things done! He was my personal hero!

Since being home, we have been unpacking and trying to get life back in order! Between unpacking me and the boys and Jordan from NA, doing laundry and getting the house back in order, we made time for picnic lunches. I think that is one of my favorite things to do with Tyler. We just sit in our back yard under our big old maple tree and enjoy being outside! And now that Jack is sitting up all by himself, it makes it even more enjoyable for all of us!

Tyler loves his baby brother... always giving him kisses... and hugs.. and knocking him over... and "patting" his belly.... I love to watch them together. I am so excited to see what kind of fun/mischievous things they get into ...

I can't believe Jack is already 6 months old! Time has flown by so fast! He is sitting up by himself now, eating solids like a champ, babbling and squealing all day long. I think he is going to be a talker like his big brother. He still is such a happy boy. He hasn't had is 6 month check up yet, that is next week sometime... but I think he weighs 20 lbs. We had to get him a big boy car seat! I just could not carry the infant carrier anymore, and I think he was pretty uncomfortable being strapped into that thing!

Tyler, who has been more emotional of late than I ever thought a child could be, has also been growing, and talking so much more. He says the cutest complete sentences... and tries so hard to be a big boy... everything we do, he wants to try. I love his silly little self, even when he is in the middle of an emotional breakdown!

More pictures and updates when I have a chance!


Will and Sena said…
So glad you're back, Tali!
We've missed you and the sweet boys.. Katie has been asking for Baby Jack! =)
Lotte said…
I want to tell you again how much I appreciate you and all that you did this past week. You are truly a blessing! :-) Love, Your Sister
Anonymous said…
Hi Tali,
Glad you guys had a safe trip home. If you rinse your peonys in cold water before putting them in the vase, you should be able to get rid of all the ants & spiders so they don't start creeping around your house. ;-) This a tip I learned from my Mom, who grows (and shares) her own peonys!!

Jenny Peters
Anonymous said…
love your blog -*- love your photos.
thanks for sharing your world.

welcome home ...

love, mrs. campbell


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