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Finally a NEW POST!!!

I have been getting some emails from friends, telling me it is time to post! I am so sorry for being so tardy in posting, but we have been busy!

Quick Belly Update- we are at 15.5 weeks now... and I believe I have felt the baby move a few times. That is one of my most favorite things about being pregnant! I felt Tyler moving around at 16 weeks, and they say you can feel the second baby sooner.... I have my monthly OB appointment tomorrow- Probably to get a blood test (yuck) and all the other usual stuff. I will post again after the appointment. This is me at 13 weeks with a little tiny tummy and then...

***POP** It seemed that while we were at NA my belly popped out and I began showing... This is the belly at 15 weeks....

NA was great! Jordan and I had a great time together! Serving as a Ninja was fun, but also very tiring. It was great, because we had bags full of free stuff to give away, to whomever we wanted! How often does that happen in life? The messages were incredible. If you haven't done so already, I urge you to download the messages off of the NA website. Here are a few of the few pictures I took while there!

The day before we left.. being silly with Grandma!

The morning we left, being mischievous with momma...

My fellow Ninjas Siena and Hemi! One funny thing, I didn't know that we would be wearing our Ninja T's the whole weekend, so I packed, well you know, a bunch of clothes to wear... only to find out that I wouldn't be wearing any of them!!! Kinda amusing!

My love on the big screen. He did a fantastic job banging on those drums. I often get very distracted during worship, as I am only watching him!

Ah, New Attitude... good times!

Tyler did great at Grandma's house, after a few days getting settled. He was just at home. They took some great pictures, that I am hoping to get my hands on too... When we got home he hesitated when he saw me... which was sad... but then when he woke up in the morning, he gave me hugs and kisses! It was fun to be away, buy better to be home with both my boys!

So after we got back from NA, 4 days later we packed up again and headed to the Outer Banks for a beach week! It was so much fun. The weather was great, Tyler loved the beach and the pool, and our time together with family and friends was just rich and full of blessing. I truly felt blessed to be there. Here are some of my favorite pictures of the week. I stopped taking pictures at one point, because Britt and Megan were both taking such good ones, with there awesome cameras... So when I get there photos, I will post more...

The first day on the beach, we were without Jordan, as he had to work. But then he surprised me and came down a day earlier than expected! It was just not the same without him there! I cried when he told me he was driving down to see "two special people!"

The guys went fishing one morning, so Tyler and I decided to go visit them on the pier. Tyler was so funny around the fish! He just kept running back and forth saying "phfishee, phfishee!!!"

Tyler was very excited about seeing the fish they caught in the cooler, he kept going back to it and shouting at the fish!

We attempted to play putt putt early in the week, but a storm blew in fast and we had to call our game short. This was about 5 minutes into things... we had a successful round later in the week!

A day on the favorite guys!

Julia is a quite the climber.... and there were times Tyler did not like being climbed on.... it was just so funny to see these two together!

Cousin buddies!

I just loved these family pictures...

Lord willing, this will be the house we stay at next summer. We will have at least two more kids (our baby and the Simmons baby), if not 4, to add to the 7 already there! We will see what God has in store! This house is still being built, so it would be prefect for our growing group (it is 11 bedrooms)!

Our last night in Southern Shores... I know it is blurry, but I just loved how you can see Tyler's hair up in the air... so cute to me...

I loved this one, because of all of their faces!

Kristine chasing the boy....
More pictures to come! Can't wait till next year! Now only 17 days till our trip to Italy!!!


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