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A boy named Jack

Wow, so where to begin.... so this is our son Jackson Chase... isn't he cute?

So, we took a lot of photos of the day/weekend... Here is the day in a nutshell.. with photos to capture what it was all like! We called the hospital at 8 am to make sure they had a room for me, and were given the green light to come! Tyler was already at my parents house- we left him there the night before. We realized we needed to drop off a movie at Blockbuster, and grab something to eat, so by the time we got to the hospital, it was 9:30... ooopps!

We got the last room open too! We got checked in, waited in the waiting room for a little, and finally got taken to our room, by the best nurse Karen. Room #3! So they hooked me up to the heartbeat monitor, and contraction monitor. Our room seemed to be missing a lot of supplies, so getting everything in place took a while. We also had a broken contraction monitor, so after 45 minutes of them recording nothing, we got one that worked! At this point it was almost 11.

Once the monitor was in place, my contractions (which I had been having irregularly for a while) were 7 minutes apart. The nurse informed the Dr. and they finally began the Pitocin at 12:10 pm. That is when they say "labor" officially began. I was 3 cm and 70% at this point. So we waited for it to kick in, hung around, and waited.... around 2 pm, things picked up. My contractions were about 5 minutes apart. Dr. Apgar's wife, who is also an OBGYN, was on and came in and broke my water around 2:30. I was also 4 cm and still 70%. About an hour later, my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart and had gotten really strong. Jordan lovingly told me it was time to get the epidural... and by that point, I agreed!
I got the epidural between contractions at 3:40 pm. It was great at first, but then something wasn't quite working, and I began to have major back pain and severe contractions. They called in another anesthesiologist, who discovered that my tubing had a kink in it somewhere under all the tape on my back... so finally after a hard hour, my epidural was working great! Pain free by 4:30! But then, I got the shakes real bad... which was kind of funny. My hands would just start shaking, like I had been outside in the cold for hours!

So the next 30 minutes passed, and the shakes kind of passed... and the nurse came in to check my progress, and was shocked to find that I was 100% effaced... she said she thought that I would progress very quickly at that point... if only my Dr. had listened to her!

Yep- that is me at 10 cm!!! I started feeling a ton of pressure soon after the nurse checked me at 5pm. Each contraction I had, the pressure grew tremendously. So when we told the nurse at 5:30, and she checked me again, I was at 10 cm and the baby was at 0 station... She had me do a round of pushes, to see how things would go, and he descended to +2 station... she made me stop because we were ready to go! Except, the Dr. was still at home in Damascus with his 18 month old daughter!

The nurse told the Dr. Apgar (the Mrs. 9of my OB) and she called Dr. Apgar (my OB) to get in the car now! It wasn't until 6:12 that he walked in! I tell you, that 45 minutes was agonizing! Everything in me wanted to push that baby out! Jordan had to coach me through each contraction again, to keep me from pushing! Once the Dr. got there, it was pushing time. Almost 20 minutes later he was out! He weighed 8lbs 2 ounces, and was 21.5 inches long. Yep, we have big babies!

But what would a delivery of mine be, without some minor complications?? The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. So once his head was out, I had to stop again, while the Dr. cut it. He was quite blue in the face when he came out...

So everyone thinks he looked so much like Jordan when he was born. These are both taken moments after delivery...

Unlike Tyler's birth, I was able to hold and nurse Jack right away. It was an answer to my prayers. God was so faithful to me!

Some new things they are doing at Shady Grove, is washing the baby in the L&D room with the mom there. They do not have a nursery anymore, so the baby stays with the mom pretty much the whole time. It was certainly different than with Tyler, who spent most of the time in the NICU. So this was his first bath...

At last, we made it to our new beautiful, private room... quiet and calm...

The next day we had several special visitors... my first big boy...

Grandma and Grandpa came... Tyler gave some kisses...

Girlie, Ethan and Megan came. They brought us gifts and were so cute holding Jack...

Baby Shrek was from Uncle Kerrin... he thought Jack and Baby Shrek looked a lot alike...

My Abba came...
Sister Shelly... the proud aunt...

Judy- my abba's wife...

Bob, Julie and Kenzi came too, but I didn't get to take any pictures! Sunday morning, we were ready to go! I didn't sleep much the two nights there, so we were eager to get home. Once we got the boy in his car seat, cleared to go, it was a sigh of relief that we could leave, we headed home! Good-bye wonderful private room.... I enjoyed the blessing it was very much!

Ready to go at last!

This was just such a sweet moment for me... we had to leave Tyler in the NICU for three days after I had been discharged... so it was just so happy a moment to be able to walk out the door with my baby!

Home at last!
On a conclusion note, my recovery has been so much better than the first time. I am tired, and achy, but feeling good. Jack seems to have his day and nights confused, so sleeping at night has been elusive, but hopefully that will iron out in the next few weeks. Tyler has been funny... getting used to life with baby and boy... we will see what happens as he adjusts to this new addition. God was and continues to be lavish in the grace and mercies he pours out on us!

Thank you again for the prayers! I have many new pictures to post, just haven't loaded them up yet! Give us a few days and we will get some new ones up!


Johannah Tyer said…
congratulations tali! he's precious!! =) so happy for you and jordan. can't wait to see him.
Anonymous said…
He is so beautiful! You are also the most beautiful women giving birth!You looked great! I wish I could have seen you but we cam down with th stomach bug! I can not wait to see little man in person!Love you girly!
Love Dee
Jecholia said…
Congrats Tali! He is so very cute!
Cara said…
Congratulations, guys! He's an adorable little man!
christy said…
Congratulations on Jack's arrival! I'm so glad your delivery went well and you were able to bring Jack home with you right away. So happy for you!
The Murphys said…
there is nothing like bringing the baby home, is there. congratulations and he is SO cute! i almost want another one of my own! =)

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